Participant management

Supporter Circle meeting of the Alliance for Development and Climate Foundation

  • Event format Hybrid event with livestream
  • Year of implementation 2022
  • Event size ca. 180 participants + online participants
  • Venue dbb forum Berlin
  • Client/organiser Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima
  • Our competences Format consulting for hybrid/digital events, programming of a website, provision of technical infrastructure for the live stream, participant management, service provider management, technical moderation, quality assurance implementation

At the foundation’s 5th supporters’ circle meeting, Nina Ruge, Ambassador of the Alliance for Development and Climate, presented the foundation’s planned sustainability seal: SDGold. In the afternoon, the foundation’s topics were discussed in workshops in person and/or digitally.



    greenstorming GmbH
    Pufendorfstraße 11, 10249 Berlin